4 events found.
Jacksonville Main Street Annual Meeting
The Plaza 73 East Central Park Plaza, JacksonvilleJoin us for a taste of Jacksonville, cash bar, and our (brief) annual meeting. During the brief meeting we will elect the new Jacksonville Main Street officers and directors, review 2023 and share plans for 2024 as we enjoy nibbles from many area businesses. For free tickets contact: (217) 243-3857 or [email protected]
Music Trivia – Kjb’s
KJB's 222 East State St, JacksonvilleMusic trivia with Erin and Jeff. Jeff Newman will be on his guitar giving clues to the answers. You will not want to miss this. PM us if you would like to get a team in (up to 6) and reserve your table. Limited seating available.
Don’s Place Famous Crab Races
Don's Place 207 Morgan Street, JacksonvilleDon's Place World Famous Crab Races Every Thursday!
Jeff Newman Live at Kjb’s
KJB's 222 East State St, JacksonvilleEnjoy live music performed by Jeff Newman!